
recent graphic design project!

working on the typography of this now...but here is the central image! It's a "King Stomach."



This is a rough sketch design for a foam latex puppet of a very interesting crab. This is a sort of "what if" creature. Usually cave crabs use their translucency for camoflage, but what if they instead involved to look more like the cave? Just a thought.


jungle cartoon concept art

sometimes the color seems drabber (is that a word?) on any images i post to blogspot! perhaps time to search for better color setting...

these are scraps of concepts for a cartoon about a delusional old-time explorer, his dog, his intern, and their misadventures in their existential journey to discover if anything has been left undiscovered. currently in progress! more art on this in the future.


lady at the nails place...

this woman gave me the evil eye as she was getting herself some acrylics with american flags on them. i went home and drew it from memory, she was such a character.